Friday, November 6, 2009

Break from Studying..

I'm actually enjoying this very much.. after several hours doing past exams, I decided to go through my clothes (again).. and then take some picts.. XD

and this is today best pict I have taken.. I wore a gold leggings with boy's t-shirt and some girly hair accessories to complete the attire... ~.~



Monday, November 2, 2009



I hate you for copying me!
I hate you for being two faces bitch!!
I hate you for being fake!!
I hate you for everything that you do or have done.

I hate the way you laugh!
I hate the way you talk!
I hate the way you walk!
and most definetely I hate the way you staring at me from head to toes!

so much hatred..
I always hate this kind of feeling.

it wasnt like i havent gave you any chance. i tried to be nice and all, but you still annoyed me to death. so, maybe you should read my blog and get out of my face!! seriously.. how can such creatures exist in this world? HATE YOU ALWAYS!!

a song that describe me best..

I Know That You've Been Calling Me,
And I'm happy that we met.
Don't think that I'm not interested.
I'm just playing hard to get

So much about this crazy game they call love
That I'm trying to understand,
So could you be my best friend,
Before you call yourself my man

Why can't I love you in slow motion,
Take my time,
Take away the pressure on my mind
Really get to know you
But rewind
Wanna love you in slow motion
Why can't I?

You seem to know just what you want
And I like your confidence
Some things a girl should never rush
Cause If you do you hurt yourself

I'm too young for tears in the night
And it's to soon for this to be right
Don't wanna mess with your pride
The questions not when but why

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Kind of Day

I can't stop myself from smiling.
good things keep on coming to me and I don't know whether I shud be scared or not. I'm afraid of what will come tomorrow.
okay, I think what I said before was a bit "lebay" LOL.

yesterday, I was sort of in a bad mood cos of my visa thingy. And the form hadn't even finished yet when I was decided to call it a day. and this morning when I woke up, I already thought that today's gonna be another boring day. turns out I was wrong. I knew that my day would be better when I saw him with his cap and homie style. it wasn't his best appearance at all but wat the heck rite?? at least I can see him before I go to syd..=D

and anyway, my day did get better and better. maybe because the positive energy from inside me that makes every single thing that me or other people did was good.

yea.. enuf about today..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It’s been awhile since I liked a new guy.. well, I finally found him.. I’m not telling his name or which uni or anything like that. But one thing for sure, he is Indo and he’s HOT!! That’s all I can tell, though.. I don’t want to sound like a stalker or anything, but I do know his name and which uni he’s from. But I’m not sure he knows mine though.. that’s quite embarrassing .. T.T and freaky in a way.. LOL.. who cares, rite? The thing is I’m happy and so does he.. he has an adorable secret admirer.. =P

This blog has been quite boring lately. Sigh.. Idk wat to do with it. I don’t feel like writing anything in this blog and yet I don’t want to delete this blog as well. Sigh.. idk wat I want.. lame lame lame.. T.T I’ll try to upload so many things as possible tho.. so just u wait!! =D


Fiona Ng

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Summer in July

It’s been like forever since my last update. I didn’t have laptop to write my blog so, that’s why I haven’t been in touch with the internet at all for the whole month (maybe more) and I didn’t really been in touch with my friends here. But, I do love to share all my doings in Jakarta during my semester break.

So basically, I spent all my times with my family which I love so much more than my self. (My sisters will love to read this!! ;D) and of course I had a lot of quality time with my Benji as well, although he had left me with a “vampire-bite” like mark. Well, I love it so muchhh.. it looks so much like a tattoo, but I think it’s fading, so I cannot really show it with a pict. But do remind me to show it to you people who want to see it when we meet. =D

I had some reunion with my junior high school friend as well, not to mention my bestest friend whom I haven’t met for maybe 5 years until this holiday. Well, he speaks funny now. LOL.

Ermm, come to think of it, I didn’t do much, huh? Well, anw.. I did a lot of shopping as well. And most of them are dresses. So I’m looking forward to having some fine dining or maybe some party or perhaps events?

Yepp.. well, that’s all, folks!! Will update my blog soonnnn cause I have lots of benji’s storiesss…=D

Yours truly,

Fiona Ng

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'M 20 NOW

Here is the 20 years old woman talking. So you better listen!! LOL. I’m in the middle of studying and I feel really bored. So might as well just update my blog, rite?

How does it feel being 20? Hmmm… Well, it doesn’t feel like 20 at all. I still feel like 10 or even 5 except that I’m smarter and grew taller..=p AND well, if u become smarter, then that means more problems as well. I actually missed being a kid where there are no problems and you just have to laugh, play all day, and eat when you are hungry and sing when you wanted to without being afraid of what others might think, and yeahh, you get what I mean.. It’s not like I couldn’t eat, but I would think about how much weight I would gain for consuming so much food. See…… every little thing you do, you have to put into consideration or otherwise it will create even more bigger problems. And when you think, it really does sucks! I hate thinking so much that causing my hair to fall a lot more than usual.

Anyway, this grow up thingy reminds me of the song “Flightless Bird American Mouth”. I assumed you’ve already heard this song from TWILIGHT… while I was listening to the song for the billion times yesterday, I was wondering what the singer was saying. Quick wet boy? Fat house cat? What the hell? I mean, every song would have a meaning, rite? Then I googled it, and find the meaning to be “a boy who loved his life but then as he got older and things happened like betrayal and anger and jealousy and he wants to find the happiness he once had when he was a kid.” Well, it made sense after I listen to the song again.

Btw, it doesn’t have anything to do with the subject above and I know this is random. I just wrote 350 words for this blog in 5 minutes. If only I could do the same for my assignments..>.<


Fiona Ng

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lesson of Life

Yesterday I heard a story about Farrah Fawchett and also watched the movie "Speed" again for the 100th time last nite.. Well, not exactly 100 times but you get what I mean.. =)

After reading the story and watching this movie, it makes me think a lot about the life you live. Then when there were this scene in the movie where it shows the expression of Harry just a moment before he died by the bomb, it was like “oh.. shit” that kind of thing. Then it makes me think, what if I was in his position at that time? Then I would think " Is this my time to die? But I don't want to die.... I still have a lot of things to do.." well, I actually dream about it several times. Like when I was in the flight to Papua (I've never been there and I don't know why Papua either), the plane just went off the cliff. Then the plane didn't crash and we still have time to think and so on. We do have time to think but we didn’t have any way out of the plane as well. So that was the time where I felt so useless and powerless.

Then, about the story about Farrah Fawchett, she had a cancer before but it was removed before it comes back again recently. Well apparently it wasn’t only cancer that was detected, but also 9 tumours were found in her liver. It was scary, but the lesson that we should learn from her is that she sees everything positively. She didn’t whine, nor give up. Her will to live is so big that when I hear a story about her, I almost cried.

So, it made me realise it is better for you to do whatever you want now as you cannot predict what will happen to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It is better to regret the things you have done now rather than regret later for not doing anything, right? Well, I always embarrassed myself in front of people but well at least I’m happy now. So what I’m trying to say here is that you don’t have to be stressed all the time. You should enjoy your life and don’t go to the darkside like smoking, drinking, doing drugs, gambling and all sorts of thing.

Well, maybe I just think too much.. I'm just to bored in library right now and suddenly I have the urge to write a blog.. Lol.. Crazy me.... Okay.. Shud be back studying again now..

Fiona Ng

ps: longest post i have ever written.. =p

Saturday, May 16, 2009

All I can do is COMPLAINING...

I had 2 group meetings today and basically I didn’t do anything. Sigh. Exams are coming in 3 weeks time and I haven’t prepared for anything and also I couldn’t do all of my assignments. But the amazing thing is I didn’t feel so stressed out about it. Why?? What’s wrong with me?? I don’t want to fail any of my subjects this semester but still, I lost my will to study. I just wanted to finish it on time. Sometimes I wonder why I chose this degree. It doesn’t suit me and I’m struggling right now. It’s not that the courses are hard but I just have to spend a lot of time studying and stuff and I just couldn’t be bothered to study all the time. I know that in the end I won’t really use my degree as I will work with my dad anyways. I might as well take something fun and doesn’t really take much of my time. I was sitting like a retard today and that obviously doesn’t feel really nice. Sigh. I wonder why I lost all my will to study. I was quite useful at the start of the semester, however somewhere in between I lost all my willfulness. I did all my assignments in advance, I did my tutorial works, I revised all my lecture but after the Easter break, I just lost it all. I didn’t want to study, I didn’t want to catch-up on my works. Sigh. What the hell had happen to me?

Well, hopefully I can pass all my subjects. I just want to finish my course on time!!! Wish me luck, guys.. ^.^ starting next week, I will really spent my time a lot in the library and catch up on all my subjects before the exams, then after that I will party like animal!!! Muahahahahahahaha..=p

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Is it normal to like a guy this month and the next month you like another guy? Well I think it’s not normal. But unfortunately, it happens to me anyway. So because of this, I was acknowledged by my friends as a playgirl. So here is the story, 2 months ago I had a feeling towards someone whom I bet you don’t really want to know. Then just last month I developed a feeling towards someone else (this I think it’s not really important anymore since I like another guy now. and I have no feelings towards him anymore). And from the previous post, you know how I said I was into Mr. R the other day? Now I kind of like another guy. Again. Hmm.. well, maybe you could say that I like 2 guys at the same time? No, actually 3. Lolls. Idk. Either way, it’s not ethical. Hahahaha… shame on me..

Anw, I planned to write a lot of stuff today. However, thanks to my assignment, I was awake all night yesterday doing my report and here I am still wondering why am I not in my bed? so, yeah. I couldn’t write longer blog since my brain is working slower than usual and my eyes don’t really cope with me much. So I guess I’ll just stop here and continue with my “sorority life” from facebook before I go to bed.


Fiona Ng

Sunday, May 10, 2009

So into Mr. R

What is it like to love someone?
How does it taste?
Is it sweet? Is it bitter?
I hope someone would tell me how it feels like.

Based on my experience, love is the combination of both.
In fact, you taste bitterness more than the sweetness.
But then again when you always felt bitter, once you find sweets than you can become happier.

LOL. I know that I am so random. But randomness is fun.....

My birthday is coming in 2 weeks time. Should I be happy? HELL YES!!!
I am 20 now!! well, in a way, this is the age where you have to be really mature. And this is also the time to think about the future. what would I become? who will be my partner in life? And that also means I have to be more organize and take care of myself.

and here goes some random photos I wanted to share.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Just Created twitter 5 minutes ago...


Visit anytime!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Madness

Sitting in the middle of the Percy Baxter computer lab located at the first floor of Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne, writing in this computer after doing my assignment, feels incredibly relaxed.

I haven’t written anything these past few days and sometimes I think writing blog has become one of my many assignments. Well, I cannot complain much though since it was my choice at first to start this blog. It is actually fun in a way that I can pour what’s in my head into the internet and share it with everyone who is willing to read my thoughts and share it with me.

I’ve been really busy these past few days coz of the workloads from uni and moreover my family just came over for my sister’s graduation. So, I’ve been having fun all days with my family..=D

Since my last post, I’ve been to Nora’s BBQ at Port Melbourne (nice view with yummy food… what more can u ask?), karoke-ing at Bebeth’s house (cool place to hang out!), MaJazzTic (event held by PPIA Melb Uni, the best event of the month!!=P), Fenella’s graduation (can’t wait for my own!!). All of those are the big events worth mentioning =D

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Just want to share this cute advertisement from Lancome's eye cream...

With lots of love,
Fiona Ng

feeling exhausted..

you know that you can think quicker, better and actually smarter when you act quickly?? Well, it’s true you know.. So for those who act slowly, it is better to increase your pace.. it’s for the sake of people around you and yourself.. why wasting your life span?? Rite rite?

Just some recap of my activity this week.

I went to library almost everyday from 3 PM – 10 PM. Can you believe that?? 7 hours straight!! Sigh.. how sad is that??T.T Well, it’s not like I have a choice anyway. I had mid-sem test this morning and assignment ATA due tomorrow. And I have 2 assignments due on Monday, and all of them are hard!!! Well, I might as well just enjoy this uni life..^.^

Since I’ve spent my time in library this week, so I guessed I don’t really have anything to talk about. Except I went to Fara’s wedding last Saturday and it was hell lot of fun!!=P and after that I spent most of the evening with my high school friends at the beach. It was perfect sunny day…. Here’s some photo of the weekends..

Fiona Ng

Monday, March 16, 2009



Today I'm not as depressed as I was yesterday.. Today was so much better.. I feel a lot happier even though I didn’t really understand the tute much. The tute was about static and you sure do know how sucks that topic is.. I have to find all the forces for the beam and stuff, well it can change your mood from depressed to really happy when you can solve all the problems. Probably that’s why I feel happier now. ^^

Today is the day where my favorite drama comes out… junpyooo!!!=0 cuteneesssss… can’t ever get enough of him… I love how he cares, looks, smile to the one and only girl he loves.. sighh... How can I ever find a guy like him?? I want junpyoo!! Sigh.. this is probably why I would never ever find a boyfriend….T.T

Anyway, I just got my casing that I bought from ebay for my blackberry… sooooooo cuteeeee……

Sunday, March 15, 2009

First Post Ever....


My name is Fiona and I am 19 years old. I came from Indonesia and currently studying at Melbourne University in Australia. I've been in Melbourne for about 4 years now and it kinda sucked!! well, it sucked a lot that I really want to escape from here and go back to Indonesia.. T.T But sometimes it can be nice too... ^^ like how i love spending time with my friends a lot and i love the fashion style here... and I love my uni tooo (as if!! =p)....

Anyway, I decided to create this blog cause I don't have anything better to do. LOL.. And some of my friends said that this blogging thing is actually fun!! so i might as well try it.. Since I have lots of things that stressing me now!!>.<


Fiona Ng